Log in to make sure your picks save! WWE presents Smackdown live on FOX on Friday, December 10, 2021 @ 8PM! To Stay Up To Date, Follow Us: On Twitter On Reddit Predict WWE Smackdown – December 10, 2021 Below! Login to SAVE your picks! CONFIRMED - Naomi vs Sonya Deville NaomiSonya DevilleDrawMatch Doesn't Happen WINNER: Match Doesn't Happen POTENTIAL - Jeff Hardy vs Happy Corbin REMOVED - Does Happy Corbin Score A Victory In A Match? Yes he WINSNo he LOSESNeither No Match WINNER: Neither No Match CONFIRMED - Xia Li Debuts - Does Xia Li Score A Victory In A Match? Yes she WINSNo she LOSESNeither No Match WINNER: Neither No Match POTENTIAL - Does Drew McIntyre Score A Victory In A Match? Yes he WINSNo he LOSESNeither No Match WINNER: Yes he WINS POTENTIAL - Does Shotzi Score A Victory In A Match? Yes she WINSNo she LOSESNeither No Match WINNER: Neither No Match POTENTIAL - Does Nakamura Defend His Intercontinental Championship The following pick is a CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Yes and he WINSYes and he LOSESNo he does NOT DEFEND WINNER: No he does NOT DEFEND POTENTIAL - Do The Usos Defend Their Smackdown Tag Team Championships? The following pick is a CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Yes and they WINYes and they LOSESNo they do NOT DEFEND WINNER: No they do NOT DEFEND POTENTIAL - Does Toni Storm Score A Victory In A Match? Yes she WINSNo she LOSESNeither No Match WINNER: Yes she WINS POTENTIAL - Does King Woods Score A Victory In A Match? Yes he WINSNo he LOSESNeither No Match WINNER: Yes he WINS BONUS - How Many Wins Does The Bloodline Score - OVER or UNDER 1.5 Wins? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Over 1.5 WinsUnder 1.5 Wins WINNER: Under 1.5 Wins BONUS - How Many Wins Does The New Day Score - OVER or UNDER 0.5 Wins? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Over 0.5 WinsUnder 0.5 Wins WINNER: Over 0.5 Wins BONUS - Do Charlotte & Toni Storm Hit Each Other? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Yes they BRAWL ATLEAST A LITTLENo they DO NOT WINNER: Yes they BRAWL ATLEAST A LITTLE BONUS - Do Brock Lesnar & Roman Reigns Hit Each Other? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Yes they BRAWL ATLEAST A LITTLENo they DO NOT WINNER: No they DO NOT BONUS - Do Naomi & Sonya Deville Hit Each Other? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Yes they BRAWL ATLEAST A LITTLENo they DO NOT WINNER: No they DO NOT BONUS - Does Windham Rotunda (Bray Wyatt) Appear On The Show (Vignettes Count)? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Yes he is HERENo he is NOT WINNER: No he is NOT 26 The following event has already started and you can no longer edit picks.