Log in to make sure your picks save! NXT 2.0 is LIVE on USA Network! Save & edit your picks up until May 10, 2022 @ 8PM EST NXT WOMEN’S BREAKOUT TOURNAMENT BEGINS! To Stay Up To Date, Follow Us: On Twitter On Reddit Predict NXT 2.0 – May 10, 2022 Below! Login to SAVE your picks! TAG TEAM MATCH - Toxic Attraction (Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne) vs Roxanne Perez and Wendy Choo Toxic AttractionRoxanne Perez and Wendy ChooDrawMatch Doesn't Happen WINNER: Toxic Attraction CONFIRMED - Alba Fyre Debuts in Womens Breakout Tournament - Does Alba Fyre Advance? Yes SHE WINSNo SHE LOSESNeither NO MATCH WINNER: Yes SHE WINS POTENTIAL - NXT Tag Team Champion Match - Does Pretty Deadly Defend Their Championships? The following pick is a CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Yes and PRETTY DEADLY WINSYes and PRETTY DEADLY LOSESYes and PRETTY DEADLY DRAWSNo PRETTY DEADLY DOES NOT DEFEND WINNER: No PRETTY DEADLY DOES NOT DEFEND POTENTIAL - Does Cameron Grimes Defend His NXT North American Championship? The following pick is a CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Yes and CAMERON GRIMES WINSYes and CAMERON GRIMES LOSESYes and CAMERON GRIMES DRAWNo CAMERON GRIMES DOES NOT DEFEND WINNER: No CAMERON GRIMES DOES NOT DEFEND POTENTIAL - Does Carmelo Hayes Score A Victory In A Match? Yes HE WINSNo HE LOSESNeither NO MATCHES WINNER: Neither NO MATCHES POTENTIAL - Do The Viking Raiders Score A Victory In A Match? Yes THEY WINNo THEY LOSENeither NO MATCHES WINNER: Neither NO MATCHES POTENTIAL - Does Grayson Waller Score A Victory In A Match? Yes HE WINSNo HE LOSESNeither NO MATCHES WINNER: No HE LOSES POTENTIAL - Does Cora Jade Score A Victory In A Match? Yes SHE WINSNo SHE LOSESNeither NO MATCHES WINNER: No SHE LOSES POTENTIAL - Does Nathan Frazer Score A Victory In A Match? Yes HE WINSNo HE LOSESNeither NO MATCHES WINNER: Neither NO MATCHES POTENTIAL - Does Natalya Score A Victory In A Match? Yes SHE WINSNo SHE LOSESNeither NO MATCHES WINNER: Yes SHE WINS POTENTIAL - Does Bron Breakker Score A Victory In A Match? Yes HE WINSNo HE LOSESNeither NO MATCHES WINNER: Neither NO MATCHES PROMO - Does Tony D'Angelo Cut A Promo In Ring (Live Mic Time In Ring)? Yes HE DOESNo HE DOES NOT WINNER: No HE DOES NOT PROMO - Does Mandy Rose Cut A Promo In Ring (Live Mic Time In Ring)? Yes SHE DOESNo SHE DOES NOT WINNER: No SHE DOES NOT PROMO - Does Santos Escobar Cut A Promo In Ring (Live Mic Time In Ring)? Yes HE DOESNo HE DOES NOT WINNER: No HE DOES NOT BONUS - How does the winner of the Toxic Attraction vs Roxanne Perez and Wendy Choo match win? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Win via PINFALLWin via SUBMISSIONWin via DQWin via TKOWin via COUNT OUTDrawMatch Doesn't End As Described WINNER: Win via PINFALL BONUS - How does the winner of the match Alba Fyre debuts in win? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Win via PINFALLWin via SUBMISSIONWin via DQWin via TKOWin via COUNT OUTDrawMatch Doesn't End As Described WINNER: Win via PINFALL BONUS - How many matches on NXT 2.0 do not end in a pinfall? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION 0123 or more WINNER: 1 BONUS - Do Tony D'Angelo and Santos Escobar hit each other? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Yes THEY BRAWL AT LEAST A LITTLENo THEY DO NOT WINNER: No THEY DO NOT BONUS - Do Bron Breakker and Joe Gacy hit each other? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Yes THEY BRAWL AT LEAST A LITTLENo THEY DO NOT WINNER: No THEY DO NOT BONUS - Do Mandy Rose and Roxanne Perez hit each other? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Yes THEY BRAWL AT LEAST A LITTLENo THEY DO NOT WINNER: No THEY DO NOT BONUS - Do ANY Surprise Wrestlers Return OR Debut? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Yes THEY DONo THEY DO NOT WINNER: Yes THEY DO BONUS - Does Windham Rotunda (Bray Wyatt) Appear On The Show (Vignettes Count)? The following pick is a BONUS QUESTION Yes HE IS HERENo HE DOES NOT WINNER: No HE DOES NOT 38 The following event has already started and you can no longer edit picks.